From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training

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Splitting a task

Splitting a task

- When tasks overlap, the assigned resources may not have enough time available to get all their work done. One possible solution is splitting tasks and assignments. If a task is short, you can split another task to allow resources to jump on to the short task, finish it and go back to wrap up their other work. For example, in this project, Identify additional costs, and hire contractors both occur at the same time and they both use the project manager. The hire contractors is really short, so we can add a split, and let the project manager jump off and finish that task and then go back to identifying additional costs. Well, to do this, we kind of want these task bars to be a little bit longer so it's easier to add the split. So the thing to do there, is on the View tab, in the Zoom section, click the Timescale down arrow, in this case, choose Quarter Days. You can see that the task bar is actually get quite long, but that's what we want. So we'll scroll over to where these two tasks…
