From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training

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Creating a summary task

Creating a summary task

Summary tasks are great for organizing work tasks for a project. They can represent phases of work, or tasks performed by a particular group. In Project, you can create a summary task for several existing tasks, or create a new summary task with it's own new sub-task. Let's say you want to organize some existing work tasks. For example, you can just drag over the Task Name cells, to select the tasks, like these four, and then on Task tab, in the Insert section, click Summary. You can see that Project adds a new summary task, and makes those four selected tasks sub-tasks. Well this is ready for me to type a new Task Name, so I'll type that name, Document requirements and when I press Enter, there's a black bracket that shows the duration of all of the sub-tasks. That's one of the things about summary tasks, the duration of the summary task is the duration of the sequence of sub-tasks. Well with the summary task, if I wanted to collapse it so I don't see the sub-tasks, just click the…
