From the course: Learning Confluence Administration

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Using advanced search

Using advanced search

- [Instructor] There are many search abilities in Confluence. At the top right of every page is the quick search. Enter any word or phrase to search the entire application. If I type notes in the search bar, Confluence returns results from pages, posts, people, mail and spaces that contain that string. Confluence can also search within Word, text, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, and HTML files. The results are ordered by the most recently updated, and of course, results are permission-based. Only content that users allowed to see is returned. If what you're looking for isn't in the list, click the Show more link or use the menus to filter the list. For even more options, click the advanced search link. Now you can use the menus to filter by any available parameters. For example, I'll limit my search for notes to pages that contain a meeting notes label. The results list refreshes as parameters are added. Confluence doesn't…
