From the course: Learning Confluence Administration

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Creating integrations

Creating integrations

- [Instructor] Another way to enhance Confluence is by integrating with other applications and middleware. For example, share new pages in your team's chat room, send Confluence updates to other applications or sync information so multiple teams can see the same info in different tools. One example, can it Confluence to Salesforce so teams can work from both applications, or connect Confluence to Microsoft tools like Outlook, SharePoint and Teams? Let's connect the Slack chat application to Confluence Cloud as a quick example. Don't worry if you don't have Slack. You can do similar things with other chat applications. When Confluence is connected, a chat channel receives notifications for desired page actions. For example, inform the Slack channel when a new page or post is created or updated or a new comment is added and other points. In this integration example, a chat message is posted anytime a page or a blog post…
