From the course: Learning Confluence Administration

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Working with groups

Working with groups

- [Instructor] The second part of user management is group management. Groups give specific permissions to many people at once. As you can see, the naming differs between deployment types. The default naming in Confluence has changed a lot over the years. You'll see variations based on the Confluence software version or even when a cloud instance was created. For example, the Confluence users group was one simply called users. Don't worry if your default groups have different wording than these examples, just be sure you know how they're used in your application. You can also add additional custom groups if needed. Here are the default groups for space admins and regular users. There's no specific group for space admins. They get their abilities from within individual Confluence spaces. Here's the cloud user profile page from the last section. This user is in three groups. The first is the general access group for…
