From the course: Learning Confluence Administration

What you should know?

- [Narrator] Confluence helps all types of organizations, collaborate, plan, and store information. But for every software application, there's an administrator that needs to correctly configure the settings, manage users, and ensure the application supports growth and change in the organization. This course is designed to help new and experience Confluence admins understand application capabilities, options, and data organization strategies. In this course, you'll learn how to configure the most important application options, like global permissions, settings and default behavior. How to use themes, blueprints, and templates to build a standard structure. Best practices for creating, organizing, managing, and archiving content. How to share information and restrict access. Managing user accounts and groups. Ways to extend Confluence with apps, connections, and integrations. And more. Before we get started, I want to mention that this course is a little different from my other Atlassian admin courses. First, there's just simply less to configure in Confluence. It's much quicker to set up than Jira, and there are fewer consequences if you get it wrong. Confluence content is really easy to move around and reorganize if you ever need to. Finally, when I took the Confluence Server Administration certification, I was surprised to see end user concepts on the exam. I'd only prepared for what I defined as admin concepts and definitely wasn't prepared for the other topics. I'm not sure if this exam has changed or not, but to be safe, we'll cover some of the more important user features so you don't make my mistake. It's helpful to understand some end user concepts anyway, especially for when users need help. Examples are scattered throughout the course and also in dedicated sections. All right. Let's get started.
