From the course: Learning Confluence Administration

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Leveraging blueprints

Leveraging blueprints

- [Instructor] In this section, we'll discuss creating spaces quickly with blueprints. Like this city design sketch, a blueprint is a plan. This city plan contains a set number of buildings and defines their placement. Now the architect can reuse the same plan in multiple cities. Confluence blueprints work the same way. They make it easy to build similar spaces and provide a standard to start from. Here are some blueprint benefits. First, pages included in the blueprint are automatically created, organized and indexed. If the blueprint has five parent pages with filed child pages each, the same 30 pages and the same initial hierarchy is created for each new space. Blueprints also support different use cases. A space used for team collaboration has different content and formatting needs than a customer knowledge base. Luckily, Confluence has blueprints for these use cases and others. Additionally, blueprints encourage…
