From the course: Learning Confluence Administration

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Creating content standards

Creating content standards

- Sometimes life is calm and organized, and other times it's messy and chaotic. The same might be true for your Confluence application. Confluence always starts out clean and organized, but over time, it can easily become a jumbled mess. As an admin, you play a critical role both in application adoption and long term usability. It's time to set some standards so your application doesn't look like a teenager's messy bedroom. First, if you don't already have one, create an advisory board to establish standards, support the admins, and advocate for users. Ideally, the board includes the following types of contributors. An end user who understands how other users leverage the software. And this could be a technical or a non-technical user. An application administrator who understands the software structure and capabilities. A project manager, business analyst, or strategist who can help craft and implement effective…
