From the course: Learning Confluence Administration

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Additional learning resources

- Congrats on completing the course. You've explored many Confluence user features and application administrator duties. You should now be able to configure application settings like global permissions and look and feel, create global spaces and help users manage personal spaces, use themes, blueprints, templates, and maybe even create custom ones, manage users and groups and extend the functionality of the application where desired. Your next step is to continue learning. There's always more to learn and new features are added all the time. You'll find many admin learning resources in my nine ways to learn Jira Aministration article on my website. Now I know, I know, it's titled Jira, but the ideas apply to Confluence too. Here's some additional resources so you can continue learning. Atlassian's product documentation is categorized by application type, deployment type and version. Make sure you're reading the right…
