From the course: Learning Confluence Administration

Test environment tips

- [Instructor] I didn't have a test environment when I first started out, but I quickly learned how important it is when I broke things and made mistakes in production. You need a safe place to experiment and learn without impacting real data. And you need to be able to test your changes against real life scenarios. Here are my tips for configuring a test environment. First, it's important to be able to distinguish the test environment from production. In this example, I changed the name of the application to test. The application name is displayed in many places, including the browser title. Next, I use the look and feel settings to change the highlight color to green, which is different than the default color. I also change my avatar icon to anything other than my usual photo so I notice the difference. This is a useful strategy for dummy or service accounts, too. Some organizations also change the application logo. In server or data center also use Confluence's custom HTML feature to place some message at the top of each page. Here are some additional tips for your test environment. First, disable email to avoid notifying end users with duplicate or fake data. Next, match your test environment settings to production as much as possible. Use the test environment to simulate impacts of major configuration changes, perform maintenance activities, and vet new apps. And for server and data center, get read-only access to the Confluence database. Understanding how the data is structured will solve a lot of mysteries and make you a better admin. There's additional useful data that's just not accessible in the UI.
