From the course: Learning Confluence Administration

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Creating a test environment

Creating a test environment

- [Instructor] Atlassian offers free versions of their cloud products. Let's sign up for a free Confluence instance so we can experiment. First, log into your Atlassian account at Next, visit the URL shown. Choose Confluence from the list of free products and complete the signup form. Finally, complete the setup process by clicking a verification link sent via email. If you don't see the message, be sure to check your junk mail folder. Once your instance is ready, sign in and complete the setup wizard. For Data Center, Atlassian has getting started guides for AWS and Microsoft Azure. Here's the general setup process for Data Center. First, have your technical contact log into Find Confluence in your product list, and click the link name View Developer License. Then copy the Dev License key. Now you won't see this link if you have a starter, community, or open license. Next…
