From the course: Learning Confluence Administration

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How is Confluence used?

How is Confluence used?

- [Instructor] You can use Confluence to do many things, like collaborate in real time and track decisions. Just like collaboration in other applications, multiple users can update the same content at the same time. You may have seen this capability in Google Docs. You can also see what another user is typing right as they type it. You can document project and initiative details and processes. Here are some examples. The marketing team can create a social media schedule. The finance team can post the employee reimbursement policy. The design team can show specs and mockups. The product team can write user stories. And the customer service team can post answers to common customer questions. You can share and store files, images, videos, and diagrams. There's no need to send files over email or save them on a shared drive. You can record meeting notes and product requirements. Confluence has built-in templates for these and…
