From the course: Learning Confluence Administration

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Choosing a test environment

Choosing a test environment

- [Instructor] Here are some test environment options for Cloud customers using the Atlassian hosted environment. There's a built-in sandbox in Premium and Enterprise plans. It's an isolated environment to test and experiment without changing production data. The sandbox application has the same user limit as the production application it's linked to. And the sandbox has its own URL, which is similar to the production URL. To create the sandbox, login as a Cloud organization administrator at Click the Products link at the top, and click Sandbox on the left sidebar. If you have Cloud Premium or Enterprise, you'll see a Create button at the top right. Once the sandbox is created, you can automatically copy data to it from production. For information that can't be copied, just set it up manually like you'd do in any other environment. Read more about the sandbox feature at the URL shown. If you're an…
