From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

Getting the car ready for rendering - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

Getting the car ready for rendering

- [Instructor] I think now we're to the point where we can begin to think about rendering and start seeing it in its final form. And I don't think we need this area light currently, so I'll just select it and hit delete to get that out of there for now. I think what I'd like to do is try and clean up some of the blocky curves around the connections to the different parts of the body here. And to do that, I think we're going to need to increase the subdivisions. So let's just select the body here, and let's take a look at what we have. In the subdivisions, we've got twos for both the view port and the render. Now, if we take a look at the smoothing mesh over here under our utilities collection, if I click on that, we can see that we have a subdivision viewport level of four, but a render of two. And if you recall, we tried to keep the smoothing mesh at a higher subdivision level than the fenders and the door and the hood, et cetera. So if we're going to increase the subdivisions for the body, we're going to need to increase it by that same amount for the smoothing mesh. So if we select the smoothing mesh here, let's take the view port and the renders up to five. That's going to give us a nice, smooth mesh underneath here. So now that means we can take these things, the body of the car, and increase these to three for both the view port and the render. So let's do that. Let's take the hood and the trunk, get these up to three, and the doors let's get these up to three as well. All right, and the fenders here, if we increase these to three, whoa, what happened? Look at that (laughs). We've got some serious issues with our mesh. And what's happening here is the edge of the fenders are smashed up right against the edge of the smoothing mesh. And this happens sometimes. So what I'm going to do is just take the fender object, and let's just move it out of our Nash-Healey group here. I'll just hit M and move it to the scene collection, so it's out here, and then I'm going to hide the collection where everything else is. And now if we come in here, I'll go to solid mode, we can see that these spikes are coming from the edges of our fenders here, so let's tab into edit mode and let's grab this edge right along here. Let me click here and control click here, so we have this edge selected here. And then if we drag it down, you can see we're changing it as we move it. And then once we get beyond that edge of the smoothing mesh, it cleans up. So if we drag it back up, we see it, we drag it back down. So we want to just bring it back up as close as we can without getting any of those artifacts. All right, so there's the front. And I thought I saw some on the back here. Let's go ahead and just move this up just in case. So if we move, oh yeah, you can see it there. So if we move it around. Yeah, so let's just pull it up just a little bit before it begins hitting the edge there. There we go, let's try that. All right, Let's bring everything else back here. Go back to our render preview. Yeah, and see that helps clean up these corners here or these curves that had that kind of blockiness to them. So that's kind of nice. All right, so we've got that cleaned up. Is there anything else that might trip us up here? One thing that I can see looking from the front is right in here in the vent. I feel like we shouldn't see this piece right there. So let's just tab into edit mode here and select these faces and then control + numpad plus. And then let's add that shadow material to this. I'll create a new material slot. Let's just pull this down, type in shadow, and there we go, and then click assign. And that just makes that a little bit darker in there. As for these, these aren't bad. I don't mind that. We can see in them if we really get right in here, we can see in them. But when you're back here, I don't think that's going to be a problem. A couple of other things, I might want to take the headlight here, and let's increase the metallic and maybe take the specular all the way down here. Let's just try that. And for this the logo, it's not bad though. I could maybe take the specular down. Let's try just 0.1 here. Yeah, let's try that. That's not bad. Is there anything else here that we think we may need to deal with? It's not bad. I think we're pretty good. There may be other things as we actually begin to render the scene that we need to take care of, but for now, this is looking pretty good. I'm going to take the fenders and drag them back up to the Nash-Healey group, and I'll save the scene. And here we go. So in the next video, let's begin creating our backdrop and setting up the lighting.
