From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

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Assigning multiple materials to an object

Assigning multiple materials to an object - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

Assigning multiple materials to an object

- [Instructor] Well, we've taken a look at the difference between the material preview and the rendered viewport shading, and one does look better than the other. The material is good and the rendered shading is a little bit better. But, can we do even better than that? Well, what we're using here is the Eevee renderer, and if we come over here to the render properties, we can see that the render engine is Eevee, and this is a real time renderer. It's very good, it's very fast, but it doesn't bring the kind of realism that the other render engine that Blender has can do. So, we can switch from Eevee to Cycles here, and we get a little bit better of a render. Our shadows are better, our reflections are better, it's just a little bit more realistic. However, if I tumble around here, you can see it's not quite keeping up, it's kind of blurred. And then when I quit, you can see the samples try and catch up here. It's…
