From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

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Modeling the hood

Modeling the hood

- [Instructor] Before we start on the hood, let's just change the name of the trunk object. We've just got it as plane here. Let's just call it trunk. And before we create our polygon plane for the hood, let's go ahead and select the scene collection at the top of the outliner. And now when we create a new object it will go into that collection instead of the reference. All right. So let's press Shift + A, Mesh Plane, and I think I'll change back to that studio lighting here. So now let's go to the top view with the seven key on the Num Pad, I'll press Alt + Z. And let's pull this forward. And then maybe shrink it down a little bit like this. And get it in place about like that. Yeah, there we go. Now let's tab into edit mode and let's cut it in half. Let's press Control + R and drop an edge loop down the center. I'll hit Enter two times to make sure I don't move that edge. And then I'll hit the three key and…
