From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

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Adjusting the undercarriage and bumper plate

Adjusting the undercarriage and bumper plate - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

Adjusting the undercarriage and bumper plate

- [Instructor] All right. Let's take a look at the door now. Well, we do have some things still poking out a bit and that's fine. Oh, we've got that original dashboard showing up again. So let's hide that away again. I'll just come up here to the search field in the outliner and type in dashboard. And here's that version one, let's just hide that. There we go, that helps. All right. I'll take that away. And yeah, we've still got just a little bit of a thing sticking out here. It looks like we could take this, and maybe turn on the proportional editing tool and press G, Z. And I'll just pull down, just a little bit, just to get that out of there for now. All right, so the door, what should we do with the door? I think we could maybe do a little bit of adjusting here. Oh, I've still got the proportional editing tool on, which isn't a bad thing I guess for this. Let's move these in a little bit closer here. There we go.…
