From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

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Modeling the rearview mirror

Modeling the rearview mirror - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

Modeling the rearview mirror

- [Instructor] All right, what else can we do here? Well, I think we can work on the rear view mirror and also maybe we could work on the gear shift although I don't think I'm going to go with this particular style. I think it'll be more like this but let's work on the rear view mirror. Now this one, I've looked through some of these pictures and I think a better one to work with would maybe be this one. So we've got this image here from the front and then that same silver car we've got here I think, let's look at this. So we've got it from two different points of view here. Yeah, let's work on this. Now once again before I begin, I better clean up the outliner here. So let's figure out what these are. This is the parking break and then this is the knob thing under there. So we don't really know what that is. How about we'll call this knob under dash one and let me copy that with Control + C and this one here will…
