From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

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Adding materials to the taillights

Adding materials to the taillights - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

Adding materials to the taillights

- Well for the rear brake lights here, I don't think we have to be as worried about seeing through it as we would, say, the glass or even the turn signal. It's going to be fairly opaque but I still want to be able to see through it a bit. So for this, let's call this material that's on this white part here, let's call this rear brake light outer. And then what I'll do is tab into edit mode and let's hit the L key here and let's duplicate this: shift + D + enter. Then I'm going to push this back just a little bit so it's inside there and maybe shrink it down just a hair. I can tumble around and see it there. And then let's give this a new material. So let's create a new material slot. Let's give it a new material. We'll call it rear break, light inner and let's click assign. There we go. Now, if we select the outer, and if we bring up the transmission here like this, we can see through it. I'll tab back into…
