From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

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Finishing the steering wheel

Finishing the steering wheel - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

Finishing the steering wheel

- [Instructor] Now let's work on the back part of the steering wheel, back here. I think this looks like three different pieces here. And in fact, I've been using these circles or edges with 48 vertices in them. I don't think I need to do that with these back here. We can certainly reduce the amount that we're using for these pieces in the back. So with this selected, I'm going to press Shift+S2 to move the cursor here and let's create a new circle to begin this chrome part here. I'll press Shift+A, mesh, circle, and I've got 24 here. Let's go ahead and use that. That's half of what we had before so that should work out all right. Let's turn it, R, X, nine, zero, and I'll scale it down quite a bit. And then let's go ahead and tab into edit mode and it looks like this is a piece that's over this. So I'm going to pull this forward some and bring it down to about right here. And let's begin extruding this back, this…
