From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

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Beginning the rear bumper

Beginning the rear bumper

- [Instructor] Before we begin on the rear bumper, I think we need to take a look at the back of the car itself. Because I've noticed that I've got a little bit more of a curve here than the actual drawing. You can see how it comes across a little more straight and I can see that here too in this photograph. So, I think first of all we need to deal with that. And to deal with that, we need to make adjustments to the smoothing mesh rather than the actual car itself. Because if we adjust the smoothing mesh, the car will come along. But before I do that, let me kind of arrange the outliner here. I feel like we're getting a little disorganized. So I'm going to take this windshield and just copy it with Ctrl + C and then I'm going to paste it into here, call this windshield stripping and we'll call this windshield frame here. Like that, and then we'll take all of these and drag them up into the Nash-Healey Collection. And…
