From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

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Adding details to the dash

Adding details to the dash

- [Instructor] Now I'd like to start working on some of the details on the dash. So let's take a look at these dials or gauges. I just want to get the basic frame in. What's going on underneath here? I'm not sure how we're going to do that yet, it's probably going to be just a texture and it probably won't be exactly like this, but if we can find some sort of a texture that we can put in there to make it kind of look like there's something going on there, that would be good. But let's just work on this outer rim and that kind of glass piece. So I think what I'll do first is, once again arrange the outliner. Let's see what we have here. Well, we have the steering wheel and we should put that in our Nash-Healey collection. But if I just click and drag this into that collection, watch what happens. I drag, I drop, and it leaves this parented object out of that collection. Now it's still parented to the main steering…
