From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

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Creating textures for the seats

Creating textures for the seats - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

Creating textures for the seats

- [Instructor] For the interior here, I think let's, as I said, go ahead and use this car as a model. And to do that, we can just select the seat, create a new material. Let's call this red interior and let's just sample the color from this image again. Let's click the base color, click the eyedropper and just sample a color right in there. And that's actually not a bad place to begin. So now we could just take these other pieces like the armrest and this piece, and then select the back and press Control + L and link materials. And we can just go through and do that for all of these if we wanted. We can just select our different objects and then select one that has a material and then press Control + L. So let's just do that. And maybe I'll grab these down here and Shift + Click that, Control + L and maybe these and then that trim right along here on the outside. Let's do that. And you know, even the interior doors,…
