From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

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Creating the headlights

Creating the headlights

- [Narrator] Now I realize as I've been working on this rim here, this really isn't a normal grill. If we go back to image open and go to our reference images we can see that the usual grill is something like this. So I think we're okay with this rim and then add another piece around the headlights. Cuz if we go to another one here you can see that just about every one of them has this other kind of grill. Let's take a look at even this green one. There's another green one here that has this kind of grill. So I think we're doing okay. The only thing I can see different here with this grill, it's a little bit thicker and wider and we can work on that a little bit later. I just want to get all the parts in currently. So let's work on the headlights. I've done a little Googling and I found a headlight that looked similar here. This isn't the exact same, but I think it at least gives me a decent image here to work from to…
