From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

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Creating the door latch

Creating the door latch

- For the door latch, I found two images here that I think could be pretty good. This one, and this one here. The straps here on the latch are a bit different but I think I'll choose this one here since it's more like a tube and frankly, that's just easier to do with the path tool, because I think I'd like to use the path tool to get that nice curve there. So I think that's what I'm going to choose. Let's work on this piece first. Let's also clean up the Outliner here. It looks like this is our gear shift. I'll put that in the Nash Healy group. And then this down here, let's come down here and this, well, I'm not sure where this went. Oh, it's probably in with the steering wheel since we pulled that edge off of the steering wheel but I'd kind of like it to be with this. So one way to find this in the Outliner is just to hit the period key on the number pad as well, here. So I'll just hit that and then you can see that…
