From the course: Word Quick Tips

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Start page numbering later in a document

Start page numbering later in a document - Microsoft Word Tutorial

From the course: Word Quick Tips

Start page numbering later in a document

- [Instructor] Occasionally, you may want to number the pages in a Word document, but have the numbering start on a page other than the first page. To start the numbering on a different page, go to the page of your document where you want the numbering to begin and click at the very top of the page. Go to the Layout tab and select Breaks, Next Page. Now, if we go to the Home tab and turn on invisible elements, we can see that there's now a Section Break here on the previous page. Now if we go to the Insert tab, here we can click Page Number and choose a style for the page numbers. For this example, we'll choose Bottom of page and we'll just choose Plain Number 2 here, and you can see that's now added continuous numbering starting from the first page. But in this case, we want the numbering to start here on what's currently page three. So with the page footer still visible, we'll come up to Header and Footer and…
