From the course: Word Quick Tips

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Add page and section breaks in Word

Add page and section breaks in Word - Microsoft Word Tutorial

From the course: Word Quick Tips

Add page and section breaks in Word

- [Instructor] Page breaks and section breaks allow you to control the flow and layout of your document. For example, here I have a section of my document detailing the executive team. If I wanted to move this text to the next page, I might click my cursor at the beginning of it and press enter on my keyboard. But as I edit the document later, the spacing here will change. Page breaks and section breaks will give you much better results. First, place the cursor, then go to the layout ribbon and under the breaks menu, choose page. Everything after your cursor will be pushed to the next page even if you make more edits later. Or instead of a page break, a section break will help you build a table of contents for your documents later. With my cursor in the same place, I'll go back to the breaks menu and here we'll choose next page. This will start a new section on a new page. This is also great for starting a new chapter in…
