From the course: Word Quick Tips

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Insert a word count into your document

Insert a word count into your document - Microsoft Word Tutorial

From the course: Word Quick Tips

Insert a word count into your document

- [Instructor] Occasionally, you may find it useful to include the word count of your document in the document itself. First, click in the area of your document where you want the word count to appear. Go to the Insert ribbon, and click the Quick Parts button, and choose Field. Here, select the NumWords field, and click OK. You'll immediately see the current word count appear. Be aware, however, that this is not a live word count. So if you add some more words to your document, the number doesn't automatically update. However, you can manually update the count by right-clicking it and choosing Update Field. Also, be aware that if you plan on printing the document, go to File, Options, and Display, and here make sure Update fields before printing is checked, that will ensure that your word count is accurate each time you print the document.
