From the course: Word Quick Tips

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Use nonprinting characters as a layout guide

Use nonprinting characters as a layout guide - Microsoft Word Tutorial

From the course: Word Quick Tips

Use nonprinting characters as a layout guide

- [Narrator] Sometimes it can be hard to tell how many spaces you have between words or identify other invisible elements. You can enable non-printing characters in order to identify these elements. In the home ribbon, click the non-printing characters button. And this reveals several symbols in the document. These aren't visible on the printed page but they can help you with your formatting. The dots between each word represent a space. This can help you find when you have two spaces where there should be only one. This symbol represents a new paragraph. We have a blank paragraph here so we should delete that to close the space. You can also see page and section breaks and column breaks. When you're finished just turn the non-printing characters off again.
