From the course: Word Quick Tips

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Properly add space between paragraphs

Properly add space between paragraphs - Microsoft Word Tutorial

From the course: Word Quick Tips

Properly add space between paragraphs

- [Narrator] A common bad habit that many people have when working in Word is to press the "Return" or "Enter" key two times to create space between paragraphs. The problem with doing this is, that as far as Word is concerned, each of those blank lines is considered a paragraph itself, even though there's no text on those lines. You can see your paragraph breaks by going to the "Home" tab and clicking this button here, show/hide, and that shows you the document's formatting. So you can see at the top here, we have the History heading followed by a paragraph break, and then another paragraph break that's acting as a spacer before the next paragraph. And we have the same thing here and down here as well. And these empty paragraphs are subject to whatever font size settings are applied to them. So if you use varying font sizes in your document you might end up with varying sizes of space between paragraphs. So even though…
