From the course: Word Quick Tips

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Use portrait and landscape pages in a document

Use portrait and landscape pages in a document - Microsoft Word Tutorial

From the course: Word Quick Tips

Use portrait and landscape pages in a document

- [Narrator] When working in Microsoft Word, it's possible to have both portrait and landscape orientation pages within a single document. Here's a document that's entirely in portrait orientation. To add a landscape page, I'll scroll down to the bottom of the last page and click to place my cursor at the end of the document. Under the layout ribbon, I'll click breaks and choose next page. This inserts a new page and it shows up in portrait orientation just like the previous pages, but to change it all I have to do is click the orientation menu and here select landscape. And there it is. You might want to add a landscape orientation page like this in order to display a wide table of data in your document, for example. If you then want the next page to switch back to portrait orientation, return to the layout ribbon, select breaks again, next page. And again, the new page takes on the orientation of the previous page,…
