From the course: Word Quick Tips

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Customize the Quick Access Toolbar

Customize the Quick Access Toolbar - Microsoft Word Tutorial

From the course: Word Quick Tips

Customize the Quick Access Toolbar

- [Instructor] The Quick Access Toolbar is a shortcut to the most common commands in Word, and you can customize it to make sure it has the options that you really need quick access to. To see the Quick Access Toolbar, right-click the Save button at the top of the window and choose Show Quick Access Toolbar. It appears here under the ribbon. And I currently have no buttons displayed here. But we can click this menu to quickly add commonly used items. Or select More Commands to access an even larger list of commands. Select an item you want to add and click the Add button. Then click OK. Those buttons now appear in the Quick Access Toolbar and can be quickly accessed when you need them. To remove commands, go back to More Commands, select the items you want to remove, and click Remove. Or click Reset, Reset only Quick Access Toolbar, and click Yes and OK to remove all the custom items you added.
