From the course: Word Quick Tips

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Coauthor a Word document

Coauthor a Word document - Microsoft Word Tutorial

From the course: Word Quick Tips

Coauthor a Word document

- [Instructor] When you've saved a Word document to OneDrive, you can co-author or edit the document with others. The advantage of editing online is that each contributor can see what other contributors are doing to the document in real time. From your OneDrive, open the Word document you want to share. It will open in Word Online. Once it opens, click the Share menu, and here, make sure this menu reads Anyone with the link can edit. Then enter the email addresses of the people to whom you'd like to give editing access. Ultimately, you can go to the Copy link section, again, making sure this reads Anyone with the link can edit and then click the Copy button. A link will be created and you can click Copy here. You can then paste the copied link into an email or other messaging system to the people you want to give editing access of this document to. Once your recipients receive the link to the document, they'll…
