From the course: Word Quick Tips

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Convert text to table and table to text

Convert text to table and table to text - Microsoft Word Tutorial

From the course: Word Quick Tips

Convert text to table and table to text

- [Instructor] To convert a table to plain text in Microsoft Word, highlight the entire table by clicking the crosshair in the top left-hand side. Then go to the Layout tab and click Convert to Text. Choose what you'd like to use as the text limiter. For example, Tabs. Click OK. And now our table has been converted to plain text separated by tabs. In this example here, the text is laid out unevenly. And it would take too long to go through and align the text with the Tab key. We can convert it to a table by selecting all of the text, selecting the Insert tab, and under Table, select Convert Text to Table. In the Separate Text At area, choose your delimiter. In this case, we're using a dash. That instructs Word to separate the text into columns when it sees a dash. We'll click OK. And there's our table.
