From the course: Adobe Acrobat Basics: Features Everyone Should Know

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Unexpected openings

Unexpected openings

- [Narrator] When I first started playing around with opening various file formats in Acrobat, I was blown away by the unexpected formats that it can open. Sure, it opens JPEGs, PNGs, TIFFs, and BMPs. But what about some of Adobe's proprietary formats like InDesign, or Illustrator, or Photoshop? I never expected any of these formats to open directly in Acrobat. Well, I was in for a major surprise. Let's say you're not a designer, so there's lots of graphic programs you may not have available. In this lesson, you're going to do the impossible. Open these proprietary graphics format files in Acrobat. To get started, download the course files and open the folder 01.02_UnexpectedOpenings. Let's start with the InDesign file, INDD. If you're not a designer, you may not know InDesign is Adobe's layout application, the most used professional layout application in the world. But what good does that do you if you can't see what's in the file? In Acrobat, go to file open and navigate to the…
