From the course: Adobe Acrobat Basics: Features Everyone Should Know

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Extracting PDF images

Extracting PDF images

- [Instructor] I don't know how many times I've been sent an old PDF by a client, and they say, "We no longer have the artwork in this layout. Can you extract it out of the PDF to use in a new layout?" The answer is usually yes, absolutely, but the real question is, can you extract the entire image even though it's been cropped in the PDF? To follow along in this lesson, download the course files and open the folder 04.02_ExtractingPDFImages. You'll find two PDF files in the folder. Start by selecting both PDFs, and open them in acrobat. One of the PDFs is named 04.03ExtractingPDFImages_A.pdf. The other has the same name with a B at the end. The two PDFs are identical, except for one very important difference that can't be seen, the settings used when the PDF was exported out of InDesign. These settings will determine whether the whole image can be extracted from the PDF or just the cropped image you see in Acrobat. Start by clicking on the tab for the file with the A at the end. Then…
