From the course: Adobe Acrobat Basics: Features Everyone Should Know

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Extracting PDF text

Extracting PDF text

- [Instructor] You won't believe how often the following scenario takes place. Your brand-new client sends you a PDF of an old brochure done by some other designer. They want to know if you can extract the text from the PDF to use in a newly designed brochure. You probably already know that in Acrobat, you can click and drag across text in the PDF to select it. So you can probably just copy that selected text and paste it into your layout, right? Absolutely. But you may not be entirely happy with the results. To see why and follow along in this lesson, download the course files and open the folder 04.04_ExtractingPDFText. You'll find two PDF files in the folder. Open the file named 04.04_ExtractingPDFText_A.pdf. Now click and drag across the body text to select it. Then press Command + C on a Mac, Control + C on Windows, to copy the selected text. Now open your layout or word processing application. I'm using Adobe InDesign. And in a new file, paste the text. Yes, it worked! But not…
