From the course: Adobe Acrobat Basics: Features Everyone Should Know

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Combine them all

Combine them all

- [Instructor] You are gathering information for a project, and you have a variety of files in various file formats. To better organize this information, you'd like to combine all of these files into a single PDF. Problem is you have just five minutes to put this together before your meeting. Is that even possible? That's what you will accomplish in this lesson in a matter of seconds. Sounds impossible? Well just let Acrobat do its thing. To get started, download the course files and open the folder 01.03_CombineThemAll. Begin by clicking on the Tools section, find the Combine Files button and click. Now, like a lot of features in Adobe applications, there are multiple ways to accomplish the task of combining multiple files. And Acrobat explains lots of ways to do it right in the dialog window. One way is to find all the files, select them, and then click and drag them to the Acrobat window all at once or one at a time, and it adds all the files. You can drag a variety of file formats…
