From the course: Adobe Acrobat Basics: Features Everyone Should Know

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Export it

Export it

- [Instructor] You just received a PDF that you need in a different format. Do you have to call the person who emailed the PDF to get what you need? Or is there an easy way to export a PDF to MS Word or a JPEG or most other file formats? Absolutely, you can export the file to the format you need in seconds, and that's exactly what you're going to do in this lesson. To get started, download the course files and open the folder 01.04_ExportIt. The first file is a PDF that was saved out of Illustrator. Begin by opening both of the PDF files in Acrobat. The first file is a PDF that was saved out of Illustrator. It's a vector drawing that you'd like to save as a pixel image for use in a PowerPoint presentation and for MS Word files. If you're not a designer, you may not know what vector is. So here's a quick explanation. There are two major categories of graphics and images: Vector, which is made up of shapes that define the design, and pixel images, such as a photo, which is defined by…
