From the course: Adobe Acrobat Basics: Features Everyone Should Know

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Notes facilitate change

Notes facilitate change

- [Instructor] In this lesson, you're going to play the part of a business owner who is getting some marketing help from a freelance designer. You've just received the first draft of a beautiful ad the artist designed and you need to communicate a few changes you want them to make. Acrobat Annotations or Notes is a great tool to leverage when indicating changes to be made to a design or layout. After this lesson, you'll be able to indicate your changes quickly using the Sticky Notes feature in Acrobat. And the results will be far clearer than the traditional way of specifying changes where you would print out the layout, grab your pen, and mark your changes by hand. Then you would scan the changes and email the scan back to the designer and or writer. To follow along in this lesson, make sure to download the course files and open the folder 05.01_NotesFacilitateChange and open the PDF with the name 05.01_NotesFacilitateChange.pdf. In this lesson, you'll be working with the most basic…
