From the course: Adobe Acrobat Basics: Features Everyone Should Know

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A final word

A final word

- [Jeff] Congratulations. You now know what features in Acrobat can help you work more efficiently. Now you understand how to open and combine PDFs, convert other formats to shareable PDF files, compare differences in multiple documents, add notes to flag changes, make forms fillable in an instant, and even create seemingly impossible edits to existing PDFs. The next step is to play with all the features you learn to uncover your own ways of saving time. The more you play, the more quickly you feel totally comfortable putting these features to use on real projects. To learn more about Acrobat Pro DC, check out the resource file for a list of recommended books, websites, and organizations that are sure to help. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and visit my website for lots of other Adobe video tutorials. So now that you have your basic Acrobat tool set in place, you are ready. Go out there and start working smarter instead of harder as Acrobat helps you to handle your…
