From the course: Adobe Acrobat Basics: Features Everyone Should Know

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Get organized

Get organized

- [Narrator] A colleague put together a quick, last-minute PDF presentation, gathering pages from a variety of sources. You open the presentation and to your surprise, the conclusion is on page one, followed by one page that is upside down, followed by a page that is sideways, a page that needs to be deleted, and other pages that are out of order, and that's just the beginning of the issues. Can you fix all this with 10 minutes left until your presentation? Let's find out. To get started, download the course files and open the folder 02.01_GetOrganized and open the file 02.01_GetOrganized.pdf inside. Begin by clicking on the tools button to the upper left. Find the Organize Pages button and click to open the Organize Pages window with a thumbnail view of each page. Click on the conclusion, which is currently the first page, and drag the thumbnail to an insert point after the last page. Well, that was easy, but what about the upside-down page? Click on the thumbnail and then click on…
