From the course: Adobe Acrobat Basics: Features Everyone Should Know

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Editing in Acrobat

Editing in Acrobat

- [Instructor] Can you edit PDFs in Acrobat? Absolutely. It's easy. And in this lesson, that's exactly what you'll do. As soon as you try editing, you'll see instantly why this is a great way to edit. You can easily change the text, the typeface, the images, and even the alignment, the parts of the design, very cool. To get started and follow along, download the course files and find the folder 04.02, EditingInAcrobat, and open the PDF. After opening the PDF, start by clicking on the tools button in the upper left of the Acrobat window. In the tool section in the Create and edit area click on the Edit PDF button. This will take the PDF into edit mode. All of the type is now in frames to make it simple to select and edit text. You can change the text itself or the way it is formatted. Select some text and type some other words. Or select the headline and change the formatting to another typeface, or to apply some other paragraph alignment such as center. But what if you want to make…
