From the course: Adobe Acrobat Basics: Features Everyone Should Know

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Drawn markups

Drawn markups

- [Instructor] The old expression, "A picture is worth a thousand words," begins to explain why the drawing markup tools can be invaluable. They can help you make the changes you want crystal clear without a lot of long explanation. In this lesson, you will point at, circle, and draw around a variety of changes to help communicate exactly what you want changed and how you want them changed. To follow along in this lesson, make sure to download the course files and open the folder 05.03_DrawnMarkups and open the PDF inside. In this lesson, you will use the drawn markup annotation tools to help clarify more complex changes you'd like to make in a PDF layout of a catalog. In this design, you can see a horizontal line dividing the various travel packages, but the line is mysteriously missing between the center and bottom tours. You can select the Line tool from above and then just click and drag to create a line. In the Comments section to the right, just type, "Dividing line is missing."…
