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Using the TREND and GROWTH functions for projecting future results

Using the TREND and GROWTH functions for projecting future results - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Using the TREND and GROWTH functions for projecting future results

- [Instructor] This worksheet is depicting sales 2 starting in November 2012 3 until April 2015. 4 You see the numbers generally going up 5 and it's reflected in the chart to the right, 6 few dips here and there. 7 And analyzing data like this, 8 sometimes it's valuable to create a trend line 9 and you can do this easily simply by right-clicking the line 10 and add a trend line. 11 The dialog box that pops up on the right 12 automatically chooses linear. 13 Now, you have to know a little bit about regression analysis 14 to make sense of this, 15 but another commonly used option is to choose exponential. 16 If you're familiar with statistics, 17 you'll understand how these work and the math behind them 18 and these are the two most frequently used. 19 If I choose Exponential, 20 we'll get a different line there, 21 it will be curved. 22 Now also what we can do with these, 23 we can extrapolate into the future 24…
