Did you know that the projected purchasing power of US Hispanics in 2009 is estimated at $1.1 trillion?1 Or that Hispanics will make up approximately 20% of the US population by 2020?2 Hispanics are coming online more than ever to interact with friends and make purchase decisions, and Google is one of the first places they look.

Led by members of the AdWords US Hispanic team, this webinar explores the growing presence of Hispanics online and suggests ways to tap into this great opportunity. By the end of this webinar, you should have a deeper understanding of the ways in which the online Hispanic market is growing, how Hispanics are interacting with online media, and how you can set up AdWords campaigns to target them.

What: Targeting the US Hispanic Marketing
Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009
Time: 11AM PST / 1PM CST / 2PM EST

[1] "Hispanic purchasing power on the rise and expected to continue through Holiday season, recession," 24-7 Press Release, December 20, 2008, http://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release-rss/hispanic-purchasing-power-on-the-rise-and-expected-to-continue-through-holiday-season-and-recession-80436.php

[2] 2008 National Population Projections, US Census Bureau, Population Division