From the course: Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) QuickSight

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Viewing on a mobile device

Viewing on a mobile device

- [Instructor] You may be watching this course on your computer, or perhaps you're watching it on your mobile device. There's a QuickSight mobile app for you to do your data analysis. To use this app, you'll first need to download it for your phone. You can download an iOS version from the Apple App Store, and you can download an Android version from Google Play. Once you share your QuickSight dashboards with others, they can access it on their mobile device with the app. This gives them the capabilities to securely access their data insights, save and interact with dashboards, apply filters and drill into hierarchies, access forecasting models, and receive email alerts for unexpected data changes. It's key to remember that the dimensions of the user interface change on mobile devices. We're no longer viewing the analysis in the landscape mode, but instead the visuals will stack vertically in a portrait mode. Therefore, if…
