From the course: Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) QuickSight

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Solution: Connecting to data

Solution: Connecting to data

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] In QuickSight, we want to create a new analysis for our challenge problem. On the QuickSight home screen, select New analysis. We now want to create a new data set, then connect it to our file for the agricultural data. Once we point to the path that stores this data, we upload it into QuickSight. We can then confirm the upload settings, which include the headers and the delimiters, which work because we can see them split into columns. Then hit Next and select to Edit/Preview data. Lastly, let's save this data connection by giving it a new name, US Agriculture. And we hit the Save button to add it as a new data source. We will continue with the challenge problem throughout this course as we build on our understanding of QuickSight.
