From the course: Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) QuickSight

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Creating data sets

Creating data sets

- [Instructor] Once we finish the first two steps, extract and transform, of the ETL Framework, we can then load the data. The data sets we load include not only the raw data imported from the data source, but also the additional changes we made by applying further transformation steps. You also want to use the smallest data set possible to improve the speed of rendering the visualizations and making it simpler to analyze. Seeing the SPICE indicator means our queries for creating visuals will run faster. QuickSite supports up to 20 data sets and up to 20 visuals in a single analysis. Let's load our 2020 California data set. We go into the data set and select to edit it. And we can confirm this is the data set that we're looking for. Let's then hit Cancel and we can see that we can create an analysis by clicking on this bottom button in the data summary. And we confirm that the import works. We now see the QuickSite…
