From the course: Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) QuickSight

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Sharing data sets

Sharing data sets

- [Instructor] QuickSight enables you to create your own ETL frameworks to get the data you need. But it also enables you to analyze data from datasets that others share with you. The AWS Cloud platform enables organizations to easily share and scale data across large user groups. It eliminates many of the potential discrepancies between dataset versions and duplication of work processes. If you're using the Enterprise edition of QuickSight, you can restrict access to a dataset by configuring row-level security on it, either before or after you share the dataset. This is more restrictive than simply commissioning the users. You do this by creating a permissions file or query containing permissions by user for the dataset rules for row-level security. When you create this permissions file, you need to follow the following rules. This will be a dataset containing rules permissions. Field order doesn't matter. Fields are…
